SOVA Assessment

Blir du kallad till ett SOVA Assessment test vill din blivande arbetsgivare mäta din motivation, arbetsplatsbeteende och kognitiv förmåga. Sovas test, precis som många andra psykometriska test kan vara komplicerade att förstå och klara av utan förberedelse.  Med vårt Sova PrepPack™ får du tillgång till övningstest och guider (PDF och video) som hjälper dig ett, eller flera steg på vägen till att klara ditt SOVA Assessment.

SOVA Assessment


Övningstesten, svaren och förklaringarna inför SOVA är till största delen på engelska:

  • Logical Reasoning
    • Verbalt resonemang
    • Numeriskt resonemang
    • Logiktest (bildserier)
  • Situational Judgement Test (SJT)
  • Personlighetstest
  • Guider och videoguider

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Hej! Jag heter Sara och är produktansvarig hos JobTestPrep Sverige. Har du frågor om Sova Assessment får du gärna kontakta mig

Nedan kan du se förklaringar och exempel på de olika testmomenten för vilka vi erbjuder övning. I nuläget är våra övningar på engelska men vi arbetar med att översätta alla våra relevanta test. 

SOVA logiskt resonemang

Den logiska delen av Sovas rekryteringstest består av tre delar: en numerisk del, en verbal del och en logisk del. Det finns ingen tidsgräns för Sovas riktiga test men du måste såklart ändå svara rätt på frågorna. 

Numeriskt resonemang

I den numeriska delen av ditt Sova Assessment måste du dra slutsatser baserat på tabeller, diagram och information. Denna del av det kognitiva testet utvärderar din förmåga att schemalägga, att anpassa dig till nya situationer och att ta del av- och läsa ut information från numeriska källor. Det liknar numeriska test från Talent Q och svårighetsgraden är medelsvår. Våra övningar kommer dock i tre nivåer: Basic, Intermediate och Advanced. Som nämnts finns ingen tidsgräns på det riktiga provet men det är ändå bra att kunna genomföra testet snabbt och smidigt och det hjälper vår övning dig med.

I våra simulerade övningstest får du 30 minuter på dig att svara på 15 frågor. Du får, precis som i det riktiga testet, 4 svarsalternativ per fråga. 

Exempelfråga från den numeriska delen av Sova Assessement test

Titta på diagrammet och välj det svarsalternativ som svarar på frågan på bilden med diagrammet:

Välj det korrekta svarsalternativet





Visa förklaring

The correct answer is alternative 4 - 11th to 12th grade.

First visually scan the chart and look for the highest visual differences between two consecutive years. The two highest visual differences are between 11th and 10th grade and 12th and 11th. To simplify things, you can skip calculating the averages of each grade, instead, estimate whether the average of the 10th or the 12th grade is higher.

The girls’ average score in the 10th grade was higher by 0.2 than their average score in the 12th grade. The boys’ average score in the 12th grade is higher by 0.3 than their average score in the 10th grade. We know that the number of girls is equal to the number of boys, thus, we could see that the 12th grade has a 0.1 advantage relative to the 10th grade. Therefore, the highest year on year absolute difference is between grade 11th to grade 12th.

Verbal slutledningsförmåga

Sovas verbala test liknar andra test i verbal slutledningsförmåga, som t.ex. Aons Scales Verbal. Du läser en relativt kort text och måste dra slutsatser från den genom att svara på om ett påstående om texsnutten är SANT, FALSKT eller GÅR EJ ATT AVGÖRA (på engelska TRUE, FALSE, CANNOT SAY). För att ett påstående ska vara sant måste det stämma till fullo och likaså med falskt. Finns det inte tillräckligt med information för att dra en ordentlig slutsats blir svaret GÅR EJ ATT AVGÖRA. Antaganden kan såklart mycket väl vara till hjälp i arbetslivet men här vill Sova Assessment att du ska svara absolut. Våra övningstest består av 20 frågor och du har 10 minuter på dig att svara på dem. 

Exempelfråga från den verbala delen av Sova Assessement test

Läs textsnutten och påståendet

From the time he was a young man Shakespeare fished English streams, and he enjoyed angling even more than archery, falconry and the other sports at which he excelled. The historical authority for this is H. N. Ellacombe, author of Shakespeare as an Angler (1883), but evidence is plain throughout the Bard's work. He knowledgeably describes many kinds of sea life, from the backward-crawling crab and the stinking mackerel down to the lowly barnacle: "Give me mine angle…we'll to the river," he writes in one place, "there I will betray the tawny-finned fishes!" Shakespeare probably did not do much angling near his home at Stratford-on-Avon, since the Warwickshire Avon has never ranked high as a fishing river. It is known that Shakespeare was caught poaching on the estates of Sir Thomas Lucy (whom, if the story is true, he later satirized in Henry IV as Justice Shallow). It is interesting to note that his Henry IV has more references to fishing than any other of his plays, and he also mentions, in Richard II, a little town called Dursley, where he lived. Nearby lived John Dennis, a Gloucestershire squire and author of the Secrets of Angling. The playwright learned in this beautiful country most of the fishing arts and lore revealed in his plays; here he found "tongues in trees, books in the running brooks, sermons in stone and good in everything."

Shakespeare in all likelihood did not fish near his home town because the fishing there was not very good.

Välj SANT, FALSKT eller GÅR EJ ATT AVGÖRA (TRUE, FALSE, CANNOT SAY) baserat på informationen i texten och det givna påståendet om texten




Visa förklaring

Påståendet är SANT (TRUE). 

He probably did not do much angling near his home at Stratford-on-Avon, since the Warwickshire Avon has never ranked high as a fishing river.


Sovas logiska del består en induktiv slutledningsförmåga i form av bildserier och mönster där du måste tala om vilken bild som följer de fyra bilderna i mönstret. Du får sex svarsalternativ. Detta test är inte ett matristest med ett rutmönster utan lite mer förenklat på det viset att du inte behöver försöka lösa ett mönster både vågrätt och lodrätt utan bara vågrätt. På det riktiga testet har du ingen tidsbegränsning men din prestation mäts bl.a. utifrån hur många frågor du kan svara på på så kort tid som möjligt. I våra övningstest har du 15 minuter på dig att svara på 15 frågor.

Exempelfråga från den logiska delen av Sova Assessement test 

Se nedan bildserie och välj vilket av de sex svarsalternativen som representerar nästa bild i följden:

Klicka på det korrekta svarsalternativet







Visa förklaring

In this series there are two sequences that change alternately - when there is a blue circle a black arrow is added and when there isn’t a blue circle, there are only two arrows. The next object should have a blue circle and one arrow more than the number of arrows in the last object that has a blue circle. So there should be four arrows.

Situational Judgement Test (SJT)

I vår övningsdel inför SJT beskrivs 9 situationer som du måste reagera på. Du får först ett scenario från arbetslivet, relaterat till den tjänst du söker. Sedan får du fyra alternativ som beskriver instruktioner som kan användas som respons i det specifika scenariot. Din uppgift är att välja vilken respons som är mest lämplig och vilken som är minst lämplig (BEST/WORST) av de fyra möjliga alternativen. 

Det är viktigt att läsa scenariot och instruktionerna/svarsalternativen noga innan du gör ditt val. Våra övningstest ger dig en 30 minuter tidsbegränsning. I verkligheten skiljer sig testen åt beroende på tjänsten du söker och i vissa fall finns det ingen tidsgräns alls på det riktiga testet. 

Exempelfråga från Situational Jugdgement Test-delen av Sova Assessement test


Choose BEST or WORST for each scenario. Response #1: You trust your manager's judgement and withdraw your proposition.



Visa förklaring

Primary competencies: Working under management; Achievement striving 
Secondary competencies: Persuasion, motivation, and negotiation skills; Social intelligence
Best response: 2
Worst response: 3

Explanation: This item examines your understanding of the company structure and your ability to work under management, specifically to follow the chain of command and handle your relations with your superiors. The best response is one that balances your ability to work under management with your determination to achieve your goals—in this case, to advance your idea. 

Response #1exhibits your understanding of the organisational structure and demonstrates your ability to work under management, specifically to follow the chain of command, as you stand by your superior's decision. This is not a bad choice. However, it shows a lack of determination and effort to achieve your goal, and hence a lack of achievement striving as you easily give up on your idea. 

Response #2 demonstrates achievement striving as you try to advance your idea forward. You present the advantages of your idea in an orderly fashion, using a rational argument, thus demonstrating good persuasion and motivation skills. You understand that if your manager keeps objecting, you must accept her position and follow her instructions. This response shows determination, on the one hand, and the ability to conform to the organisational structure and follow the chain of command, on the other. This therefore shows a balance between the two desirable competencies: working under management and achievement striving. 

Response #3demonstrates conviction and determination. However, you completely ignore the organisational structure by going behind your manager's back, thus demonstrating your inability to work under management. Furthermore, if your manager is correct in this step being risky, your actions may have severe ramifications. This is an extremely negative choice reflecting poor judgement, defiance, and disloyalty towards your superior. 

Response #4 demonstrates achievement striving and is positive in the sense that you are determined to convince your manager that your idea is good for the organisation. However, this response shows poor social skills, specifically poor persuasion and motivation skills, as you don't conduct an open discussion with your manager. Rather, you try to coerce her into accepting your idea. 

The two positive responses are #2 and #4. In both you demonstrate achievement striving by trying to advance your idea forward. Response #2 is better as you demonstrate persuasion and motivation skills using a rational and convincing argument, unlike response #4 which uses a slightly more aggressive approach.

The two negative responses are #1 and #3. Although response #1 is a passive response, in this scenario response #3 is worse due to its potential ramifications and the fact that it disobeys the chain of command. 

Choose BEST or WORST for each scenario. Response #2: You present a document to your manager systematically detailing the advantages of your proposition and its contribution to the company. If she keeps insisting, you'll support her decision.



Visa förklaring

Primary competencies: Working under management; Achievement striving 
Secondary competencies: Persuasion, motivation, and negotiation skills; Social intelligence
Best response: 2
Worst response: 3

Explanation: This item examines your understanding of the company structure and your ability to work under management, specifically to follow the chain of command and handle your relations with your superiors. The best response is one that balances your ability to work under management with your determination to achieve your goals—in this case, to advance your idea. 

Response #1exhibits your understanding of the organisational structure and demonstrates your ability to work under management, specifically to follow the chain of command, as you stand by your superior's decision. This is not a bad choice. However, it shows a lack of determination and effort to achieve your goal, and hence a lack of achievement striving as you easily give up on your idea. 

Response #2 demonstrates achievement striving as you try to advance your idea forward. You present the advantages of your idea in an orderly fashion, using a rational argument, thus demonstrating good persuasion and motivation skills. You understand that if your manager keeps objecting, you must accept her position and follow her instructions. This response shows determination, on the one hand, and the ability to conform to the organisational structure and follow the chain of command, on the other. This therefore shows a balance between the two desirable competencies: working under management and achievement striving. 

Response #3demonstrates conviction and determination. However, you completely ignore the organisational structure by going behind your manager's back, thus demonstrating your inability to work under management. Furthermore, if your manager is correct in this step being risky, your actions may have severe ramifications. This is an extremely negative choice reflecting poor judgement, defiance, and disloyalty towards your superior. 

Response #4 demonstrates achievement striving and is positive in the sense that you are determined to convince your manager that your idea is good for the organisation. However, this response shows poor social skills, specifically poor persuasion and motivation skills, as you don't conduct an open discussion with your manager. Rather, you try to coerce her into accepting your idea. 

The two positive responses are #2 and #4. In both you demonstrate achievement striving by trying to advance your idea forward. Response #2 is better as you demonstrate persuasion and motivation skills using a rational and convincing argument, unlike response #4 which uses a slightly more aggressive approach.

The two negative responses are #1 and #3. Although response #1 is a passive response, in this scenario response #3 is worse due to its potential ramifications and the fact that it disobeys the chain of command. 

Choose BEST or WORST for each scenario. Response #3: You implement your proposition despite the manager's resistance since you have a lot of faith in this proposition.



Visa förklaring

Primary competencies: Working under management; Achievement striving 
Secondary competencies: Persuasion, motivation, and negotiation skills; Social intelligence
Best response: 2
Worst response: 3

Explanation: This item examines your understanding of the company structure and your ability to work under management, specifically to follow the chain of command and handle your relations with your superiors. The best response is one that balances your ability to work under management with your determination to achieve your goals—in this case, to advance your idea. 

Response #1exhibits your understanding of the organisational structure and demonstrates your ability to work under management, specifically to follow the chain of command, as you stand by your superior's decision. This is not a bad choice. However, it shows a lack of determination and effort to achieve your goal, and hence a lack of achievement striving as you easily give up on your idea. 

Response #2 demonstrates achievement striving as you try to advance your idea forward. You present the advantages of your idea in an orderly fashion, using a rational argument, thus demonstrating good persuasion and motivation skills. You understand that if your manager keeps objecting, you must accept her position and follow her instructions. This response shows determination, on the one hand, and the ability to conform to the organisational structure and follow the chain of command, on the other. This therefore shows a balance between the two desirable competencies: working under management and achievement striving. 

Response #3demonstrates conviction and determination. However, you completely ignore the organisational structure by going behind your manager's back, thus demonstrating your inability to work under management. Furthermore, if your manager is correct in this step being risky, your actions may have severe ramifications. This is an extremely negative choice reflecting poor judgement, defiance, and disloyalty towards your superior. 

Response #4 demonstrates achievement striving and is positive in the sense that you are determined to convince your manager that your idea is good for the organisation. However, this response shows poor social skills, specifically poor persuasion and motivation skills, as you don't conduct an open discussion with your manager. Rather, you try to coerce her into accepting your idea. 

The two positive responses are #2 and #4. In both you demonstrate achievement striving by trying to advance your idea forward. Response #2 is better as you demonstrate persuasion and motivation skills using a rational and convincing argument, unlike response #4 which uses a slightly more aggressive approach.

The two negative responses are #1 and #3. Although response #1 is a passive response, in this scenario response #3 is worse due to its potential ramifications and the fact that it disobeys the chain of command. 

Choose BEST or WORST for each scenario. Response #4: You confront your manager on the issue and insist that she accept your proposal. You are positive that you are right. You have the marketing people to back you and will not give up until you convince your manager otherwise.



Visa förklaring

Primary competencies: Working under management; Achievement striving 
Secondary competencies: Persuasion, motivation, and negotiation skills; Social intelligence
Best response: 2
Worst response: 3

Explanation: This item examines your understanding of the company structure and your ability to work under management, specifically to follow the chain of command and handle your relations with your superiors. The best response is one that balances your ability to work under management with your determination to achieve your goals—in this case, to advance your idea. 

Response #1 exhibits your understanding of the organisational structure and demonstrates your ability to work under management, specifically to follow the chain of command, as you stand by your superior's decision. This is not a bad choice. However, it shows a lack of determination and effort to achieve your goal, and hence a lack of achievement striving as you easily give up on your idea. 

Response #2demonstrates achievement striving as you try to advance your idea forward. You present the advantages of your idea in an orderly fashion, using a rational argument, thus demonstrating good persuasion and motivation skills. You understand that if your manager keeps objecting, you must accept her position and follow her instructions. This response shows determination, on the one hand, and the ability to conform to the organisational structure and follow the chain of command, on the other. This therefore shows a balance between the two desirable competencies: working under management and achievement striving. 

Response #3 demonstrates conviction and determination. However, you completely ignore the organisational structure by going behind your manager's back, thus demonstrating your inability to work under management. Furthermore, if your manager is correct in this step being risky, your actions may have severe ramifications. This is an extremely negative choice reflecting poor judgement, defiance, and disloyalty towards your superior. 

Response #4 demonstrates achievement striving and is positive in the sense that you are determined to convince your manager that your idea is good for the organisation. However, this response shows poor social skills, specifically poor persuasion and motivation skills, as you don't conduct an open discussion with your manager. Rather, you try to coerce her into accepting your idea. 

The two positive responses are #2 and #4. In both you demonstrate achievement striving by trying to advance your idea forward. Response #2 is better as you demonstrate persuasion and motivation skills using a rational and convincing argument, unlike response #4 which uses a slightly more aggressive approach.

The two negative responses are #1 and #3. Although response #1 is a passive response, in this scenario response #3 is worse due to its potential ramifications and the fact that it disobeys the chain of command. 


Förutom att ta ett situational judgement test kan du även bli ombedd att svara på ett personligheststest. Detta test är baserat på femfaktormodellen och ställer frågor om hur du tänker och om ditt beteende i ditt personliga liv och i arbetslivet. Vårt stora generiska personlighetstest som ingår i vårt Sova Assessment PrepPack™ är baserat på samma teori som Sovas personlighetsformulär och är helt på svenska 

För att uppnå bästa resultat på ditt SOVA Assessment lönar det sig som sagt att öva. Här har vi gett ett litet smakprov på vad du kan förvänta dig med vårt övningspaket. Våra test är baserade på de riktiga testen och på kunders feedback. Vi hoppas att du kommer att ha mycket nytta av SOVA Assessment PrepPack™.

Lycka till!